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Users Update

Update a User

A User can be updated by sending the PUT request to /users/<userId>.json.

PUT /users/<userId>.json

The request body contains the new data to be updated. The request body schema is same as that of creating a new User with the exception of the email/username field which can not be updated.

A user can update themselves. Then can change their first name and last name but not their role. An administrator can update their role. No one can update the username. If a user need to change their username, one will need to create a new user for this given email.

Possible responses

Code Description
200 OK
The User was created. The response body will contain the newly created user object
400 Bad Request
Some of the data validation failed.
403 Authentication Failure
The user making the request is not authenticated

Last updated

This article was last updated on April 23rd, 2019.

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