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OpenPGP Keys

In order to encrypt information, the server (see Authentication) and the clients needs the user public keys. These OpenPGP endpoints let you query the saved keys.

The GPGKey object

Attribute Type Description Format
id String Unique ID of the group in UUID format. UUID
armored_key String Key data The original OpenPGP key format is binary, which is not very readable. The ASCII armored is a binary-to-textual encoding.
created String Datetime when the record was created ISO 8601 Datetime format
key_created String Datetime when the key was created ISO 8601 Datetime format
bits Number How many bits does the key have e.g.2048
deleted Boolean Whether the group has been deleted true/false
modified String Datetime when the group was last modified ISO 8601 Datetime format
key_id String Key ID Key id shorthand. Not secure to be used as primary identifier, use fingerprint instead.
fingerprint String Key fingerprint
type String Key generation algorithm. RSA by default.
expires String Datetime when the key expires ISO 8601 Datetime format


    "id": "04481719-5d9d-5e22-880a-a6b9270601d2",
    "user_id": "f848277c-5398-58f8-a82a-72397af2d450",
    "armored_key": "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY-----",
    "bits": 4096,
    "uid": "Ada Lovelace \u[email protected]\u003E",
    "key_id": "5D9B054F",
    "fingerprint": "03F60E958F4CB29723ACDF761353B5B15D9B054F",
    "type": "RSA",
    "expires": "2019-08-09T12:48:31+00:00",
    "key_created": "2015-08-09T12:48:31+00:00",
    "deleted": false,
    "created": "2019-04-04T12:05:49+00:00",
    "modified": "2019-04-04T12:05:49+00:00"

Last updated

This article was last updated on April 23rd, 2019.

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