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The API allows you to create, update, delete, and share your passwords. You can list of all your passwords as well as retrieve individual passwords.

In passbolt, passwords are split into two different entities: Resources and Secrets. The Resource entity is an object which represents a password’s metadata and contains items such as the searchable password name, the associated username, the URL where the password is used, in addition to other fields.

The Secret entity is the actual password and optionally other secret information such as the encrypted description. Secrets can be accessed via its associated Resource object or individually. In either case, the access will be logged in the system.

The definition of what is included in the resource and what is included in the secret is described using resource types which take the form of JSON schemas.

The Resource object

Attribute Type Description Format
id String Unique ID of the resource in UUID format. UUID
created String Datetime when the resource was created ISO 8601Datetime format
created_by String UUID of the user who created the resource UUID
creator Object Object containing the user details of the creator User object
deleted Boolean Whether the resource has been deleted true/false
description String Resource description
favorite Object Favorite details of the resource Favorite object
modified String Datetime when the resource was last modified ISO 8601 Datetime format
modified_by String UUID of the user who last modified the resource UUID
modifier Object Object containing the user details of the modifier User object
name String Resource Name
permission Object Permission details as applied on the resource Permission object
uri String URL/URI for this login
username String Username to be used for this login
resource_type_id String The resource type id UUID
folder_parent_idPRO String|null The folder containing the resource UUID|null

Last updated

This article was last updated on January 18th, 2021.

For another perspective on the API you browse the OpenAPI 2.0 specifications using the dedicated API reference site (Swagger UI).

API Reference

You can also find the latest OpenAPI 2.0 specifications directly on the dedicated repository.

OpenAPI Specs repository
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