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The API allows you to create, update, delete, and share folders.

Folders can be either shared or personal. Whether they are personal or shared depends on their permissions. One folder (or resource) can only be in one folder for a given user perspective. However, a folder can be in multiple parent folder if you look at all users as a whole. This is to allow users to re-organize folders shared with them in a way that makes sense to them.

A given folder visibility in the tree is therefore dependent on multiple factors, including if the parent folder is also shared.

You can learn more about the folder dynamics in this dedicated blog post.

The Folder object

Attribute Type Description Format
id String Unique ID of the folder in UUID format. UUID
name String Folder name Utf8 extended, Not unique, max 64 characters
created String Datetime when the folder was created ISO 8601Datetime format
modified String Datetime when the folder was modified ISO 8601Datetime format
created_by String UUID of the user who created the folder UUID
modified_by String UUID of the user who modified the folder UUID
folder_parent_id String UUID of the folder contains this folder. UUID or null if at the root
personal Boolean Whether the folder has been shared with someone. true/false

The Resource object

On top of that, when the folder plugin is enabled the resource object also get decorated with an extra folder_parent_id field. Similarly there is move endpoint added for resources.

Attribute Type Description Format
folder_parent_id String UUID of the folder contains this folder. UUID or null if at the root

Last updated

This article was last updated on April 30th, 2021.

For another perspective on the API you browse the OpenAPI 2.0 specifications using the dedicated API reference site (Swagger UI).

API Reference

You can also find the latest OpenAPI 2.0 specifications directly on the dedicated repository.

OpenAPI Specs repository
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