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Add a resource to favorites

To add a resource to your favorite list:

POST /favorites/resource/<resourceId>.json

Possible responses

Code Description
200 OK
Request went through. Given resource has been added to favorite
400 Bad Request
  1. If the given resourceId is not a uuid
  2. Given resource is alredy added to favorite
403 Authentication Failure
The user making the request is not authenticated
404 Not Found
  1. if the resource does not exist
  2. if the resource is deleted
  3. if the user does not have access to the resource

Response examples


Upon success this will return a json response like below

    "header": {
        "id": "0bade2b5-db54-4537-872e-b82f33dee3e6",
        "status": "success",
        "servertime": 1555055916,
        "action": "0ed6c4a8-8c1f-52c6-9859-67f37794a02e",
        "message": "The resource was marked as favorite.",
        "url": "/favorites/resource/4d7adb92-0d85-56d7-8b92-e2b919ef8eb8.json",
        "code": 200
    "body": {
        "user_id": "f848277c-5398-58f8-a82a-72397af2d450",
        "foreign_key": "4d7adb92-0d85-56d7-8b92-e2b919ef8eb8",
        "foreign_model": "Resource",
        "created": "2019-04-12T07:58:36+00:00",
        "modified": "2019-04-12T07:58:36+00:00",
        "id": "288050d2-25b0-4c04-a959-2fc6f4011208"

Last updated

This article was last updated on April 23rd, 2019.

For another perspective on the API you browse the OpenAPI 2.0 specifications using the dedicated API reference site (Swagger UI).

API Reference

You can also find the latest OpenAPI 2.0 specifications directly on the dedicated repository.

OpenAPI Specs repository
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