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v2.4.0 ~ Final Countdown (pro)

Release date: October 11th, 2018.

This release introduces some new dependencies and database changes. Make sure you follow the minor update documentation to roll out this new version.

Read the doc

This release introduce the ability for users to select multiple passwords and perform a bulk action such as delete or share. This was a much awaited productivity feature requested on the community forum and is available for both pro and community edition. You can use the keyboard keys (command and shift) to select a few items at once.

Example of bulk share fig. Example of bulk share

We have argued in the past that the current authentication scheme already supported multiple factor: something your know (the passphrase) and something you got (the secret key and email activation link for new setup). Today we can all stop arguing as an additional authentication factor using TOTP (Google Authenticator, Authy, FreeOTP). Head to your profile to enable it!

how does TOTP work? fig. how does TOTP work?

We will be adding support for additional factors such as Yubikey or Duo in the following weeks, as well as more administrator features to get usage reports and enforce multiple factor authentication for all passbolt users.

This release as usual fixes a few small issues, the most notable one being able to transfer resource ownerships when deleting a group that is the sole owner of some passwords.

A special thanks to this release contributors, who reported bugs or submitted pull requests, keep them coming!

Passbolt API (Pro Edition)


  • PASSBOLT-3022: Fix the “import tag” is not associated to passwords imported from a csv where have no category


  • PASSBOLT-3009: Add support multiple factor authentication using TOTP (Google Authenticator, Authy, FreeOTP)
  • PASSBOLT-2981: Add import batch throttling on imports to prevent deadlocks on resource limited instances
  • PASSBOLT-3024: Add url to the theme settings screen via /settings/theme

Passbolt API (All)


  • PASSBOLT-2972: As LU I should be able to delete multiple passwords in bulk
  • PASSBOLT-2951: Merge the remember me on CE
  • PASSBOLT-2329: As an administrator deleting a group which is sole owner of one or several passwords, I should be requested to select a new owner for these passwords
  • PASSBOLT-2972: As LU I should be able to select multiple passwords with standard keyboard interactions (command and shift keys)


GITHUB#275: Adding SSL configuration environment variables for cake mysql driver

  • PASSBOLT-2534: As LU I should not be able to copy to clipboard empty login/url
  • PASSBOLT-2017: As LU when I save a password (create/edit) the dialog shouldn’t persist until the request is processed by the API
  • PASSBOLT-3073: As LU I should get a visual feedback directly after filtering the passwords or the users workspace
  • PASSBOLT-3009 Add types to authentication tokens


  • PASSBOLT-2966: As LU I can’t see passwords shared with me clicking on the “shared with me” shortcut filter
  • GITHUB#246: Fix healthcheck tips relative to tmp folder
  • PASSBOLT-3063: Fix appjs base url and subfolder
  • PASSBOLT-3074: As a logged in user selecting a “remember me” duration the checkbox should be selected automatically
  • PASSBOLT-2976: Fix API requests issues when the user is going to another workspace
  • PASSBOLT-3082: ezyang/htmlpurifier cache should be stored in the application cache directory
  • PASSBOLT-2982: Fix session expired check
  • PASSBOLT-3086: As LU when I have 100+ passwords I cannot see the passwords after the 100th more than once

Passbolt CLI

  • #17 Display more meaningful error messages on configuration issues
  • #16 Fix user index when current user is an admin
  • Update dependencies and improve Readme

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