v2.13.5 ~ Stomp (Remix) (pro)
Release date: July 22nd, 2020.
This is a small maintenance release. It ships with a few bug fixes and improvements for the web extension.
[2.13.5] 2019-07-29
- Fix display a validation error when db password contains a quote or db name contain a dash
- Fix email notification settings bootstrap messes up non persistent database connection in wizard
- Bump dependencies versions
Web extension
[2.13.5] - 2020-07-22
- Fix autofill should work when input type is not lowercase
- Fix export to CSV should work if export does not include the resource associated folder
[2.13.4] - 2020-06-23
- Increase the number of passwords the quickaccess suggests
- PB-1290 As a user I can choose which permission changes strategy to apply on a move
- PB-1326 Add support for signatures on share and import encryption operations
- PB-1348 Performance. Openpgpjs version bump v4.10.4
- Fix CSV import and export should support folders
- Fix progress bar should never be more than 100%
- GITHUB-238: As an administrator I should be able to install passbolt on a domain without a TLD.
- BUGZILLA-1372288: Hide extension URL from page when inserting iframe in a content script
[2.13.3] - 2020-06-05
- Fix import folders batch issue
[2.13.2] - 2020-06-03
- Fix resource URI can be null or a string
- Fix folder rename issue
- Fix export with large amount of resources issue
- Fix bulk move large amount of resources with the same folder parent issue
- Fix bulk share with large amount of resources
"Lately I've been going through some things"
Listen to the release song!