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How can I install passbolt in non-interactive mode?

The non-interactive mode is useful for automating passbolt installation and for users with specific needs. It is available only on Debian and Ubuntu operating systems.

The commands of this page assume you want to install passbolt CE. Replace ce with pro if you plan to install the PRO version.

Package repository setup

For easier installation and update tasks Passbolt provides a package repository that you need to setup before you download Passbolt and install it.

Step 1. Download our dependencies installation script:

wget ""

Step 2. Download our SHA512SUM for the installation script:


Step 3. Ensure that the script is valid and execute it:

sha512sum -c passbolt-ce-SHA512SUM.txt && sudo bash ./  || echo \"Bad checksum. Aborting\" && rm -f

Simple mode

If you don’t want to install mysql locally or you don’t want to use nginx as http server you can run the non-interactive command with --no-install-recommends parameter.

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install \
--no-install-recommends passbolt-ce-server

Advanced mode

You can automate the installation by pre-fill answers with this command (run one command per parameter):

echo passbolt-ce-server <parameter> <type> <value> | \
sudo debconf-set-selections

Parameter and type reference table:

passbolt/mysql-configurationbooleanTo enable MySQL, can be true (default) or false
passbolt/mysql-passbolt-usernamestringPassbolt database username
passbolt/mysql-passbolt-passwordpasswordPassbolt database password
passbolt/mysql-passbolt-password-repeatpasswordPassbolt database password confirm (must be the same as passbolt/mysql-passbolt-password)
passbolt/mysql-passbolt-dbnamestringPassbolt database name
passbolt/nginx-configurationbooleanTo enable Nginx, can be true (default) or false
passbolt/nginx-configuration-three-choicesselectSSL configuration: When certbot package is installed, you can choose between auto, manual and none
passbolt/nginx-configuration-two-choicesselectSSL configuration: When certbot package is not installed, you can choose only between manual and none
passbolt/nginx-domainstringPassbolt domain name (FQDN)
passbolt/nginx-certificate-filestringAbsolute path to SSL certificate path (applies only if nginx-configuration-*-choices is manual)
passbolt/nginx-certificate-key-filestringAbsolute path to SSL key path (applies only if nginx-configuration-*-choices is manual)

Once done, run this non-interactive install command:

sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install passbolt-ce-server